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Hugh Jackman's Workout

day 1

1. Bench press-4x5 60/65/75/75%

2. Weighted dip-3x10

3. Incline bench press & Pullover-3x12

4. Cable crossovers-3x10

5. Hanging leg raises-12,10,8,6

6. weighted crunch-4x12

1. Squat-4x5 60/65/75/75%

2. Single-leg press-3x10

3. Leg curl-3x12 & calf raises-3x15 & split squat-3x10

4. Plank front, left, right-3x45 sec

1. Weighted chins-4x5 60/65/75/75%

2. T-bar row-3x10

3. Lat pulldown & seated cable row-3x12

4.  Face pull-3x12

5. Standing Med Ball Chop-3x8

6. Weighted Crunch-4x12

1. Deadlift-4x5 60/65/75/75%

2. Shoulder press-5x5

3. Front raise & rear delt fly & lat raise-3x12

4. Biceps-3x7 close grip,7 wide grip, 7


5. Bench dips-3x20

day 2
day 3
day 4

Here's a sample of what a 4 day a week workout would look like using principles from Hugh’s workouts.


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