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8-Week Beginner Workout Plan

Alternate between workouts A, B, and C for eight weeks and don't deviate from the plan.

1. Front squat-3x4

2. Incline dumbbell press-3x8

3. One-arm dumbbell row-3x10

4. Dumbbell real lunge-3x10 (each leg)

5. Pallof press-3x10 (each side)

6. Suitcase dumbbell carry-3x30 yards

Workout A

Workout B

1. Barbell bench press-3x5

2. Chin-up-3x5

3. Romanian deadlift-3x8

4. One-arm kettbell push press-3x8 (each arm)

5. Seated cable rolls-3x10

6. Barbell ab rollout-3x10

7.farmer's walk-3x20


Workout C

1. Barbell deadlift-3x5

2. Landmine-3x8

3. Goblet squat- 3x10

4. Inverted row-3x6

5. Standing cable wood chop-3x10

6. Waiter's carry-3x25 yards (each arm) 



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